Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Legacy in the making

In my life , I haven't really done anything that people can remember me by. I'm still searching for the right place and right time. Before I can even think about the legacy that I may leave in this world , I'm still trying to study and finish school. In the pass years of me studying , I haven't really put in much effort because to be honest I am lazy. I guess after having the lesson about legacies ; I'll need to study and work hard for my own legacy to unfold.

If I am gonna be remembered in this world , I want to be the person that found a plant that can cure all diseases and illness. If there is even such a plant , I would want to be the one who discovered it. I want my legacy to be as kind as possible to all people. If this comes true , I would have helped a lot of people of all the diseases. This legacy I am thinking of is not entirely possible but I would want it to be a reality.

Legacies will come true if you work hard enough. Not all legacies are possible but with hard work you can accomplish them. If having a legacy means helping a lot of people , then I'll gladly have a legacy of my own.The legacy that I may accomplish will depend if I work hard and accomplish my primary goals. With all of that I will try to build my own legacy.

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