Sunday, June 25, 2017

High School Life

My high school life has been filled with different emotions , it had been filled with happiness and some sadness. High school life has been a part of my life that has been so exciting and it's not even finished yet. I still have 4 years including this year to finish for me to go to college and go on to the next chapter of my life. I've had 3 years in CNSHS and it has been fun , there has been ups and downs but that's life . Not everything goes to the plan you created and you just have to accept it.

In my 1st year at CNSHS , it was pretty fun . My 1st memory that i remember is that in the first class of research I was terrified because I know it was going to be hard but afterwards i found it to be stressful but not hard. It takes up most of my time and then it will be all worth it. The Intramurals was coming and i thought of joining the basketball team and then I was not allowed to join because they said they were full already and I can no longer join. That is when I decided to join badminton but then I can't join because all the spots have been taken. So , I joined the volleyball team which lacks on players. I didn't expect it to be fun because it was my first time playing it furthermore it was more fun because I get to play with my friends in senior year. We finished 4th in that Intramurals , they said it's ok since we were still on our 1st year like we had 3 more years to win the Intramurals even just the volleyball will be fine.The worst memory that i can remember is when the BSP event came, I got in to an accident. I tripped and my arm hurt like  hell . I decided to walk it off but it was still so painful  then  I asked some help from my friends and they brought me to the clinic. My mom came as soon as possible  then afterwards  we rushed to the hospital. In the first place , I shouldn't have ran when the practice ceremony was going to start. Because of my injury , I wasn't allowed to go to the camping , I was so sad then and I want to leave it as a bad memory.

The new year came and so is the 3rd and 4th quarter , afterwards when the 4th quarter was over we just chilled and hang out in school. So the summer passed and I was already a grade 8. It was very fun especially because Ma'am Weng is our adviser and it made it more fun. The research in grade 8 got a little harder because it was another level , before we knew it we needed our researches. We pushed through it with my new classmates and friends. The Intramurals came along and we wanted to redeem ourselves since we lost the past year. Unfortunately , we were facing the seniors again for the 1st round and we lost , so our shot for 1st is no longer possible. We went for 3rd instead and we won.Grade 8 was a lot of fun since the other students that went through grade 8 said that it was the chillest grade level not to mention  the nice teachers of that level. Luckily , this year i sustained no injuries and I was able to join the BSP Camping. Another year finished and I was off to grade 9.

Which leads me to where I am today , a grade 9 student. This school year is already turning out to be a good one. With new challenges to face and new friends to greet. A lot of memories still wait to be discovered as the days pass.

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