Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Greatness in You

Greatness , it can come in different shapes and sizes. From a tiny help to a large act of kindness. Greatness can either be in your blood or you can earn it by working hard. I can say that I had a couple experiences where I witnessed greatness from other people , but there are some instances where I did a little thing to help other people.

My dad and I was in a pharmacy buying my mom a medicine. While entering the pharmacy , we saw a woman counting her money carefully. She then looked sad or troubled so I assumed that her money was not enough to buy the medicine she was about to buy. When my dad and I was about to pay for the medicine of my mom , I asked my dad if I can have some money to give to the woman. He then asked me for what reason and I told him what I saw. He then gave me some money and I gave it to the woman. The woman refused it at first and asked me kindly why I was giving her money. I then insisted it for her to take it so she can buy the medicine she was holding . She then smiled at me and said thank you  happily.

Every person can be great , you just need to act and take every oppurtunity you can have to help others. Because doing something kind won't have bad consequences. You just have to do the things you do wholeheartedly.